At long last, this blog that has been spoken of
for the past couple of months is about to begin.
The first week of 2016 seemed like a good time
for creation. While docked at the Corp of
Engineer St. Lucie Lock on the Okachobee
Waterway, we chose to begin the new year at a
different location.
Dropping anchor to celebrate the new year, 2016!!!!!
Rum drinks and JUMBO SHRIMP for New Year's Eve.
New Year's day brought us a hitch hiker on the boat in his own little hammock.
Spent the day walking
the Atlantic beach and
gathering seashells.
As the first day of the year comes to a close we know WEBEJAMMIN with a special bottle of Southern Florida grown muskadine wine.
A bit of successful fishing
and the call for a beautiful sunset
brings this short adventure to a close as we are leaving tomorrow when the chilly weather comes to Peck Lake.
Till next time!
So excited to see your adventure begin!! Love you Happy. Leann, Bob and Sheila